Feb. 5th, 2012

Andrew and Leland put a track around ON the lake today and also did the Kicking Horse Fire Road(just in time for the moonlite ski tonite at 8.30) and Tally Ho to the Visitors Center. Way to go boyz
I skied the Connector today from town and it’s way better than a few days ago. Still a few hard spots but the sun made up for any of that.

Gorgeous days

Carl was grooming and tracking the Connector today and also the South-East lakeshore with the existing track on the lake in front of the lodge. Both those areas needed lot’s of renovating due to frozen tree bomb from last week. Pretty darn busy on the Horse Trail and Fan today but it is holding up fine. It is getting cold enough now to set a loop on the lake again—so we hope to get that done next.

February 4th, Saturday

Yesterday we saw fresh Lynx tracks on the Kicking Horse River Trail—half way to the picnic table on the ski set part of the flats. Also saw more older Lynx tracks —on our way back up—just at the start of the downhill from the Nat. Bridge.
The KH trail is in great condition for the MOONLITE SKI on Sunday–8.30 pm. From the Amiskiwi River Trail Sign to the Otterhead River is only ski set but very good and amazing glide & let’s not forget—SUNSHINE !

Beautiful fresh wolverine tracks & TRAIL UPDATE

The Horse Trail (North side) and the Alluvial Fan are in fantastic shape and if you go soon you’ll see these fresh tracks by the back bench. The South-East side of Emerald is a bit crunchy and fast from the mild weather and tree bombs. The Connector has some crunchy sections also—mixed 1/2 and 1/2 with soft beautiful snow sections. So it is fast and hard for quite a bit. The “disconnector” section is perfectly ski set…..though your poles poke through. Best to wait till it gets groomed again with the cooler weather or another snow fall. Sure enjoying the SUN! for a change.