Yoho Blow in the Field Valley but lovely at Emerald. Had the Jackrabbit lessons in the morning after Andrew and Jessica set the grid. Andrew continued to set tracks to the back of the lake, the Fan, the Horse Trail, the Connector to Field—and on the way home I saw he was also packing the Kicking Horse. Must be all done for the valley! Only windy in Field!


This Friday–the 4th–members get a free lesson on diagonal stride and double poling! 1-3 pm @ Emerald Lake, given by Jessica–our Club coach. Don’t miss it.
The trails are all in perfect condition. Hans worked all day yesterday on the wind blown Alluvial Fan and also putting down a double track on the lake –front to back–with skating in between. Perfect for the warmer weather and sun that is coming. Enjoy and see you there.